Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Donate to Universal Church of Light, Reverend Crystal Cox Director / Spiritual Advisor / Healer

 We are a Washington State Non-Profit Benevolent ALL Denomination Church. Donate to Us, and assist many. Our aim is to help all who we can in every way we can.  Universal Church of Light 


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Charities Registration #35698


Friday, January 27, 2017

I Have Literally, Physically Experienced a Visible, Physical, Provable SHIFT in the Timeline I knew to be “my Life”, my “Reality”.

It happened to me in a Clear, Profound, PHYSICAL way in May of 2016, or at least that is when I, without a doubt noticed that I was living in a version of “my Reality”, “my World” that was very different than the World I knew to be my Reality before May of 2016.
I noticed my body was different, my literal anatomy. I noticed the sky was different, geography different, brand names, musicians, movie lines, food, animals, and so much more was NOT the same as I clearly remembered being my ENTIRE life.

For me, personally, it is a FACT that I am now living in a different Reality, Timeline as I now know it to be. An actual different Place in Time and Space then I knew to be “My Life”.

Once you Truly see, physically experience and have 100% Validation that you have moved into another Timeline, another REALITY,  this experienced, realized, KNOWN Fact to you, changes how you see Everything, how you experience people, time, emotions and well, EVERYTHING.
All the “other stuff”, and I mean ALL of it, fades in it’s importance and is no longer center stage of one’s life.  The knowledge, experiencing and witnessing as fact for you, at that point validates that you can LITERALLY, Physically choose and create your reality by your own THOUGHTS, Energy, Emotions, Wishes, Words, Complaints or Gratitude, and this is Truly Miraculously Awe-Inspiring, and the ONLY thing that actually matters from that moment on.

Once this becomes a known fact to you, it overrides all other things, all input, all perceptions, all information, history, all prior information and so much more. All you knew as your “reality” before this moment is no longer what you hold as ABSOLUTE FACT. This knowledge becomes the top tier of all things in your human life.

And what next, boldly becomes, How to Do this at will. How to make this Timeline change with actual choice right now in this very moment. That is my current studies and daily practice.

I have always known that my thoughts create my reality, and the experience I have in life. That my thoughts and emotions create a better or somehow worse tomorrow or version of my life. This was all part of positive thinking and of using my own thoughts and inner life to improve my outer life and in turn raise the conscious of ALL.  However, I did not really expect to see it as a literally shift, a physically witnessed change or an actual movement in Time or Reality.

I did not expect each of those emotionally charged thoughts to actually LITERALLY create another reality or possibility that I could experience for “REAL” or actually do experience in a different Timeline, a different version of ME, in this same concept of time I know as NOW.

This WOW Factor has become so profound to me that I work daily, with every breath, every thought to learn more about how to Change Timelines, how to Create Worlds and how to raise the Vibration of all of my “selves” out there, with every choice, thought, emotion and action that I consciously choose right here in what I know as my NOW.

Change your Life with the Power of Thoughts seemed a topic only for conceptual thought and philosophical ponderings. A topic for study to work on more positive thoughts to create a better future, a better me somewhere down the line. And in this ONE version of me.

Sure I believed in the multi-verse, in quantum realities, in parallel lives and all those far out, profound, metaphysical reality topics. However, I did not ever expect to witness such ponderings in a Clear. Literal, Physical way such as I now, without a doubt, have.

Deep Study, Research, and Application of that Knowledge in regard to Changing your Timeline NOW seems to be the most important concept to study, learn, deeply research and apply to the best of my ability, knowledge, focus, and thought.  

If you can Change your Timeline (your Actual REALITY) with your THOUGHTS, Emotions, Actions, and Energy, in an actual physical way, than what could possibly compete with being more IMPORTANT?  

~ Reverend Crystal Cox

Learn and Study ALL you can on this Topic and Ya,
LITERALLY Change your Life.

Check Out a Couple of my Blogs

AND Facebook Pages

Moving into another Reality / Dimension


Friday, September 23, 2016

Data Storage In Crystal Quartz Will Change Everything! - The Crystal Skulls

"You know how much I LOVE talking about new technology, right? Well, this is one that is going to blow your mind, make an excellent case for the Crystal Movement, and also mop the floor with “limited data storage” forever!

There’s a new kind of storage device which many tech companies have been diving into in secret for the past few years, which Hitachi recently came out with a technology they are developing which is essentially a sheet of Quartz Glass, which could potentially save data up to 300 Million Years!

If you didn’t know anything about storage devices that we currently have, but anything from records, CD’s, USB sticks, magnetic tape, none of these can even lay a finger on this new, very impressive technology.

“The prototype is made of a square of quartz two centimeters wide and two millimeters thick. It houses four layers of dots that are created with a femtosecond laser, which produces extremely short pulses of light. The dots represent information in binary form, a standard that should be comprehensible even in the distant future and can be read with a basic optical microscope. Because the layers are embedded, surface erosion would not affect them.” - From the Scientific American Journal

Now, while this is exciting, there’s more to it than just that. See, While Hitachi currently has an actual produceable thing which they will probably start marketing once they figure out a simple means of transferring data to say, computers and television, the basic model they have (see picture above) only has the data storage capacity slightly better than a CD.

But that’s not to say that this tech is doomed, simply that it’s young… and even then, some people are already working on a bigger and better thing!

Scientists in the University of Southhampton in the UK have been developing an even MORE incredible technology. It’s called “Superman” Crystals, and potentially has the storage capacity of up to 350 TB, and can last forever!

Superman graphic

Image Right: A graphic depicting a 5D optical storage writing setup: femtosecond laser, spatial light modulator (SLM), Fourier lens (FL), half-wave plates matrix (»/2 M), dichroic mirror, 1.2 NA water immersion objective, silica glass sample, translation stage. (Image: University of Southhampton)

“The scientists used a femtosecond laser, which emits pulses of light in femtoseconds (one quadrillionth, or one millionth of one billionth of a second). The 5D read/write laser can record up to an estimated 360 TB/disc data capacity on nano-structured glass capable of thermal stability up to 1000°C — and a practically unlimited lifetime. The information encoding comes in five dimensions that include the size and orientation in addition to the three dimensional position of these nano-structures.” - Computerworld

It seems Crystals still got some magic after all . And they don’t have to just be in your pocket, they might be the basis for all of our computers in the future. I mean, they are now, but perhaps even more so. :) -SS

The Crystal Skulls

You’ve all heard of the ancient crystal skulls and the stories that they supposedly contain a repository of knowledge.. Well, the scientists at hitachi may have just revived an ancient advanced technology. It has been said throughout history that the crystal skulls contain ancient knowledge possibly dating back to the time of Atlantis, or  even further.

Information on a grand scale. The skulls are said to contain the answers to human evolution, universal information, planetary information, and most valuable of all, humankind’s destiny and true purpose. The legend claims that at a time of great need, the skulls will be discovered and reunited. The information they provide will save the human race. The legend forewarns, however, that mankind must be able to accept the knowledge morally and spiritually.

This data can seemingly exist forever, enduring extreme temperatures and hostile conditions without degrading… at least until the sun begins to die and expands to consume the earth, that is.

Hitachi researcher Kazuyoshi Torii said that quartz glass is highly stable and resilient material, used to make beakers and other instruments for laboratory use. Due to the medium, the chip is waterproof, resistant to many chemicals and unaffected by radio waves. Even more, it can be exposed directly to high temperature flames and heated to 1,832 Fahrenheit for at least two hours without being damaged.

“We believe data will survive unless this hard glass is broken,” said senior researcher Takao Watanabe.

Rather than storing precious information for mankind in an ordinary piece of quartz that could have been lost in time, the ancients chose to store their wisdom in a receptacle shaped like a human head. These would be used in many rituals and ceremonies, and passed down from generation to generation. In the same way that our human skull protects and holds the brain, a crystal skull is a mind-like container that holds a generational library of knowledge – from ancient history to a blueprint of possible futures.


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