A Pleiadian Revolution
The Rising of the Light
By Druid Crystal Raven Nakaii
(Reverend Crystal Cox)
Priestess Crystal Venus Magdalen
A Revolution in Perception
Simply paying attention to and changing your thoughts, right there where you are, is a Revolution. It is a Revolution of Light that affects the vibration of ALL of Mother Earth, her tribes and people, animals, birds, insects and the very air we breath and water that contains the essence of our vibrational history on Mother Earth.
It is a time to open our consciousness full throttle. A time to open up, even if only to ourselves inside our own mind, thought, heart, and emotions. It is time to be fully truthful with yourself on who you know you are. This alone will create a vibrational frequency to free your life from all that you perceive binds you. This alone will open you to broadcasting the frequency you came here to uniquely broadcast as your TRUE you.
As you open to your energy, in yourself, fully in non-judging, honesty, you begin to free the chains that you may have once allowed or needed to gain all the knowledge, energy and vibrational frequency that has become YOUR True YOU.
Many Feel “the Call”; Perceive the Truth; then Say Now What?
So many have, indeed, awakened. So many have felt the “CALL” per say. However, they sit questioning their visions, the information they receive and the origin of that information. Then they quickly move into fear, as they wonder what now? They have seen something so real, so profound and they have no doubt in it’s truth whatsoever. However, they can clearly see that this truth will alter their life, the perceived reality they live in and the illusion of comfort, mirage of stability that they have accepted for so long as their life.
So now what? An undeniable Truth sits inside of YOU. You have seen the vision, heard the information and have no doubt as to it’s source of divinity or it’s accuracy in this reality or any other reality. With this profound, life altering truth, you now have the divine gift of choice, of Free Will.
You can choose to pretend you don’t know, and your life will simply keep dealing you reminders, perhaps perceived as obstacles. You can close your eyes to it all, however, the visions will only increase and even vibrate more detailed, more colorful and profound.
There was a time when you could shut down your psychic gifts, your divine energy, and the information that comes to you all the time. That time is over. Now it will keep finding a way to return to your conscious mind, your NOW. And to the REALITY that you perceive to be REAL.
There are those who feel deep down mysterious fear from bringing in this information to this reality. They fear that they may be persecuted and even killed as they were in past lives That is ALL old energy, let it go. You no longer have the option of fear of persecution as an excuse to not allow your power, your Truth.
You know the Truth and in this cannot be denied.
You will be persecuted in some form, as being a systems buster carries that. This comes in the form as your social network, family, school, work or whomever is in your life may joke, bully, tease and this is a form of persecution. Ignore that and allow Spirit. If the pain is unbearable go and find people like you. Find the comfort of Validation.
You can soften this energy by imagining it to be different than you may believe now or perceive from past experiences. Whatever you do, do NOT doubt the Truth in your own mind. Be true to your TRUE you, even if only in your own mind, thoughts, and emotions within your YOU.
You came here for certain tasks. You loved the idea of this before you came here and set this time, Right NOW, to awaken and walk this truth, broadcast this Truth in this reality, regardless what any human, any society energy constraint may persuade, beg, guilt, shame or attempt to somehow force you to do.
No matter what you are “forced” to do in this reality of society, you can still choose your mindspace, your heart space and create the frequency of which your TRUE you vibrates AT ALL TIMES.
You can do this in a way of total life change and living that truth in your physical vibration or you can do so in your inner world alone if ABSOLUTELY need be.
You can compassionately, boldly give way to your divinity, your God self and simply allow the information to flow through you without judgement and without a forced decision in this moment to alter all you have known to be your life. Even though, this information clearly shows you that the life you are living is not of your highest truth nor of your highest excitement. Now is time for your Divine Purpose and every part of you knows this.
The TRUTH clearly changes the reality you have
come to claim, accept, or know as yours.
You will need to pray for, bring in, ask or demand for the Spirit of Courage to be with you and for your Spirit Guides, Angels, and Archangels to guide you, as you proceed to your total truth and the permission of self to truly walk this path, think this path, feel and be this path at ALL TIMES.
You will need the courage to step out of the “NORM”.
The Courage to ignore, change, and allow the sting of societies energetic judging pull, to pass through you and not stop you, hold you up, deny you or dilute your power in any way, while you remain unaltered in the undeniable truth in which you have profoundly witnessed with all that you have ever known to be you.
You will need Courage to NOT let the gawkers and the two cents worth alter your path, your truth, and rock you away from your TRUE you.
They will be confused, they will be fearful and in this they will be what humans perceive as “mean to you” or outcast you. However, this is theirs, let them own it and have the Courage to move out of their gaze, standing fully in your TRUE you at all times no matter what the looks, the words, the judging energy attempts to send your way to make you doubt your True you, your powerful undeniable true self and what you know to really truly be true.
You will need the Courage to stand out. The TRUTH does not blend in, in a world that denies it in mass. The Truth stands out and thereby becomes a target, as you well know.
Walking your truth, speaking your truth, and or living your truth will bring up the energy of “outcast”. However, you are not alone, cannot be and never will be. Trust This.
In order to soften this perceived blow, or pain in this reality, it helps to seek out the proverbial “others like you”. In this, you will gain empowerment in this Earth plane and it will assist you to change what you have settled for, allowed, and all that has currently become your reality for whatever lessons you needed to learn at that time.
NOW is TIME to be your TRUE you, AT ALL TIMES.
You must have the courage to step out of perceived family obligation, guilt, shame and the courage to fully trust YOUR True YOU in this time of NOW.
FULLY Trust your Body, Intuition, Heart, Mind, and Emotions. And do so beyond any human words, expectations or past roles. Trust what you feel now. Act from this knowing.
Have Faith in the Holy Spirit, in your Divinity beyond that of any human.
Having Faith in God, in Goddess, in Divinity, is to have faith in yourself; Your Body, your Truth, your Emotions, your Feelings.
You are the Sole Bearer of your Soul
You call the shots in your own mind, your thoughts. And all things, realities, and lives are created in thought before they are a dimensional reality.
You are in charge of your Soul. Do NOT ever believe or allow yourself to be convinced in anyway that you are not the Sole Bearer of your Soul.
Many who have heard the Call or Frequency; Felt the Vibration, are in lives where there is no real clue to validate them. They, YOU, must have the courage to seek Validation among others. This is key to ground your work in this reality. That is not to say that you need Validation. It is to say that if you are not in your power because of fear, then validation from another spirit incarnate “like you” will help you to ground in this reality and do the work you need or want to do here without the desire to leave, to die or in a constant state of depression; which is to distract you from what you came here to accomplish.
You peer group may call you “Crazy”. You can process that energy, and call to Spirit for help. However when they gather up enough of “them”, they can alter your reality and tilt you off your mission here by having you labeled within their “system of things” and fighting for your life, and your very right to thought.
Oftentimes entering a state of mind or thought so different from your peer group that you are perceived as unstable in their reality. Many end up being drugged or put into institutions. When you find your “people” per say, this is not to “hang out”, to join a group. Do so if you feel led to. However, simply knowing they are there, say hello, and that they are out there will anchor you so that the winds of made up insanity, do not carry you off into their reality and directly away from the work you came here to do, that requires you to be FULLY awake in your NOW, in your power and believing in that power, information and Divinity AT ALL TIMES.
You want to be in that state of mind, of thought, of knowing at all times.
If you step out a tiny bit and are called Crazy, well then you pull back in due to fear of major persecution to the point of death, incarceration, poisoning, drugging, or other persecutions to your human body or perceived, believed persecutions to your soul. (which is NOT to be believed, as YOU are the SOLE Bearer of your SOUL)
Stay in your power in your own mind.
BELIEVE your TRUTH you at all times.
Some may not need validation to ground them. They may trust fully in spirit and be living a life that is safe to be OUT in that energy. Many are not.
Many have such a clear vision and life that will support that vision that they have no doubt of the true origin of this truth. And can experiment with living what they know to be true, even if only in their minds and in discussions with close friends.
Many of those who are not safe to “come out” as lightworkers, seers, healers, clairvoyants or those who simply know who they REALLY are, sit in a Profound Truth among those who they feel they cannot utter a word - as their words may scar, may make those around them uncomfortable and in this they will alter their Reality, have to leave their home, leave their partners, towns countries and sometimes in Suicide, change reality Dimensions.
For now you don’t have to Jump Ship Per Say; you simply hold still, walk your life as it is, was.
However, you will do so with a new perception, and with a total belief in you.
Don’t criticize or doubt yourself in your own mind. No matter what the “others” say. Don’t alter what you know to be your TRUE you, in your core, your thought, your mind, your YOU.
Know, that ,without a doubt, the information, vision, thought and vibration you have been shown is real, is true. Never doubt this in your own thoughts.
Keep a Journal and or a video diary; Allow the awakening, allow your TRUE you to unfold, even if you feel you have to keep it a secret until you are strong enough to break away from your peer group, family, or other.
Allow the information, thought, visions to unfold. Have clear intention and ask that the information come in via the power of the Divine Light. State that you are not open to any energy that is not of your highest vibration and of pure light.
Allow the Awakening without judging yourself, without guilt of some former idea of God, Divinity or the Holy Spirit. Stay open and unconditional with yourself.
Believe in YOU, no matter what. Stand in your True Frequency and Vibration. In doing so you raise the Vibration of the Whole for yourself and every life you have ever lived or will ever live and you will raise the Vibration for all living things and all that you may not perceive as being alive.
You ask what you can do with the knowledge. You are asked to Trust It, Trust in You and live it, even if only ALL THE TIME, in your mind until you are strong enough to bring your TRUTH to this Reality, the Earth Plane.
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